Saturday, January 26, 2013

[Infographic] The Future of Big Data

A visualization of Wikipedia edits (by IBM)
As the industry and consumers begin to come to terms with Cloud and Mobile technologies, there's already a new buzz that's creating waves and excitement. Big Data - some of you'll may have heard it, while for most others, it may conjure up different images.

According to Wikipedia:
"big data is a collection of data sets so large and complex, it becomes difficult to process using hands-on database management tools or traditional data processing applications. The challenges include capture, curation, storage, search, sharing, analysis and visualization..."

With the rise of social technologies, powered by the digital, mobile and portable devices, the volume and variety of data passing through the cloud is unprecedented in scale. Add to that, the increasing non-PC and non-phone-like devices (i.e. machines) which can generate thousands of bytes of data per second, and we have a BIG problem - capturing, storing and analyzing this unstructured data to derive meaningful information - for the users, for the business, for all those who care! That's what Big Data is all about.

So, is this only a passing buzz, hyped by the ones who are good at it? Well, possibly not. Here's an infographic that summarizes all about Big Data - now and for tomorrow - for you. With Big Data, it can't get any simpler than this!

The Future of Big Data
click to enlarge

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